
Unit 1 The king’s new clothes课课练答案

2023-7-19 19:12| 查看: 5213

Unit 1
Period 1
A 【答案】

B 【答案】
a 2 
b 4 
c 3 
d 1

C 【答案】
1 c 
2 a 
3 c 
4 b 
5 b 

D 【答案】
King, magic, Clever, Foolish, through, laughed, clothes

E 【答案】
1 F 
2 F 
3 T 
4 F 
5 T

Period 2
A 【答案】
 Long long ago, there were some monkeys. They lived in Huaguoshan. One day, a pig visited the mountain. He wanted to see the Monkey King. All the monkeys laughed at him and shouted, “Get out!” The Monkey King pointed at the pig and laughed, “Ha! Ha! The pig is so fat!”

B 【答案】
1 b 
2 a 
3 a 
4 b 
5 a 
6 a

C 【答案】
1 were 
2 walked 
3 shout 
4 looking 
5 watched

D 【答案】
1 clothes 
2 was 
3 visited 
4 laughing 
5 wearing

E 【答案】
1 were, two, years, ago
2 showed
3 Who
4 What beautiful clothes they are
5 Was, Jim

F 【答案】
1 walked 
2 elephant 
3 shouted 
4 drivers 
5 happy

Period 3
A 【答案】
S1: Long long age, there was a river.
S2: In the river, there was a boat.
S3: A panda and a rabbit lived on the boat. 
S4: They often played with each other.

B 【答案】

C 【答案】
1 b 
2 c 
3 c 
4 a 
5 b 

D 【答案】
1 were, behind, house 
2 quick, turn 
3 start, next, story 
4 wears, sweater, black 
5 played, laughed 

E 【答案】
1 c 
2 a 
3 c 
4 b 
5 a 

Period 4
A 【答案】

B 【答案】

C 【答案】
1 b 
2 c 
3 a 
4 c 
5 b 
6 c

D 【答案】
1 b 
2 c 
3 b 
4 a 
5 a

E 【答案】
1 was, cleaned
2 couldn’t
3 helped
4 danced, were
5 walked
6 tried

Checkout for Unit 1
A 【答案】
1 c 
2 b 
3 a 
4 c 
5 a 
6 c

B 【答案】
1 c 
2 a 
3 b 
4 b 
5 a

C 【答案】
1 F 
2 F 
3 T 
4 F 
5 T

D 【答案】
1 tiger, king 
2 cleaned, bedroom
3 mangoes, fridge, tomatoes 
4 fourth, April, party

E 【答案】
1 clever 
2 magic 
3 next 
4 wear 
5 happy

F 【答案】
1 were, are not, is
2 was, walked
3 like, read
4 shout
5 is showing
6 lived, live

G 【答案】
1 c 
2 c 
3 b 
4 c 
5 a 
6 c 
7 b 
8 c 
9 a [puxuewang.com]
10 b

H 【答案】
1 wearing new clothes 
2 in a white dress
3 laugh at 
4 clever
5 tells stories 
6 is thinking hard
7 say a sentence 
8 pointed at

I 【答案】
1 are waiting for 
2 Take off 
3 move … away
4 shouted at
5 try, on 
6 looked at 
7 am looking for 
8 have to

J 【答案】(puXuewang.com)
1 good, magic
2 helped, liked
3 found, for
4 become, afraid

K 【答案】
was, sad, Why, river, help, ball, happy

L 【答案】
1 F 
2 T 
3 F 
4 T 
5 T

M 【答案】
 Long long ago, there was a house in the forest. One day, a man came to the forest. He built a garden behind the house. He liked the house and lived in the house from then on.