
Unit 6 My e-friend课课练答案

2023-7-19 19:09| 查看: 1974

Unit 6
Period 1
A 答案:
S1:Who’s your good friend? S2: Lucy is my good friend.
S1: How old is she? S2: She is 10 years old.
S1: What subject does she like? S2: She likes English.
S1: What are her hobbies? S2: She likes reading and swimming.
S1: What does she usually do after school? 
S2: She usually does homework.

B 答案:

C 答案:
1 b 
2 c 
3 b 
4 c

D 答案:
e-friend, Peter, the UK, eleven, Chinese, Chinese, Maths, football, swimming

E 答案:
1 6 2 7 9 3 4 5 8

F 答案:
1 Let’s go and play football in the playground.
2 What subjects does Mike like?
3 My sister studies English after school.
4 I want to send this email to my friend first.

Period 2
A 答案:
S1: Does Willy like cooking?
S2: NO, he doesn’t.
S1: What does he like doing?
S2: He likes running and swimming.

B 答案:
a 2 
b 1 
c 3 
d 4 
e 6 
f 5

C 答案:
1 playing, football, Does
2 email, write, doesn’t
3 do, like, do, singing

D 答案:
1 b 
2 a 
3 c 
4 c 
5 b 
6 a

E 答案:
1 T 
2 F 
3 F 
4 T 
5 T

Period 3
A 答案:
S1: Where does she live?
S2: She lives in Canada.
S1: What subjects does she like?
S2: She likes Chinese.
S1: Does she like swimming?
S2: Yes, she does.

B 答案:
1 b 
2 a 
3 b 
4 a 
5 c
C 答案:
1 go  good  Don't
2 swim  can  swimming
3 well

D 答案:
1 F 
2 T 
3 F 
4 T 
5 T

E 答案:
1 My e-friend is Cathy.
2 She is 12 years old.
3 She lives in Nanjing.
4 She likes Music and Art.
5 She has dancing lessons on Sundays.

Period 4
A 答案:
John lives in the UK. He’s 11 years old. He likes singing. He also likes reading. He can play football with his friends.

B 答案:
1 a 
2 b 
3 c
4 b 
5 a 
6 a

C 答案:
1 c 
2 g 
3 b 
4 a 
5 d 
6 e 
7 h 
8 f

D 答案:
1 does, e-friend, lives 
2 Does, have, does, has
3 subjects, like, likes 
4 Does, playing, does, likes, too
5 good, at, drawing, dolls 
6 Does, Chinese, doesn’t, studies

E 答案:

F 答案:

Checkout for Unit 6
A 答案:

B 答案:
1 b 
2 a 
3 b 
4 a 
5 b 
6 a 
7 b 
8 a

C 答案:
1 c 
2 a 
3 b 
4 c 
5 b

D 答案:
e-friends, two, twins, China, send, chat

E 答案:
1 b 
2 c 
3 a 
4 b 
5 a 
6 b 
7 c 
8 c

F 答案:
1 e 
2 a 
3 d 
4 f 
5 c 
6 b

G 答案:
1 Does, like 
2 can’t
3 Where, does, live 
4 What, subjects

H 答案:
1 lives 
2 playing 
3 studies 
4 speak 
5 does

I 答案:
1 go, tomorrow 
2 studies, school 
3 sitting 
4 email, e-friend 
5 live, China, lives

J 答案:
e-friend, emails, lives, Maths, Music, dancing

K 答案:
Russia, eleven, Chinese, PE, Art, tall, jump, basketball

L 答案:
1 F 
2 T 
3 T 
4 F 
5 F

M 答案:
1 c 
2 c 
3 a 
4 b 
5 b

N 答案:
My e-friend
       I have an e-friend. Her name is Kitty. Kitty is a beautiful girl. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She lives in the US. She is eleven years old. She speaks English. Kitty is a good student. She likes Maths and Art. After school, she usually goes skating with her friends. She likes skating and she is good at it.
